Saturday, February 8, 2014

Oh, The Privilege!

Can I just be real with you for a minute?

This is something that's been burning in my heart and mind over the last week or so.

It's not the most pleasant topic. Something I hate to talk about, actually. 

I'm talking about money.

But I'm also talking about me, you, Liberia and Jesus.

Ok, here we go.

Raising money isn’t about ‘getting me to Liberia’ or ‘making this thing happen’. Raising money is about meeting needs and changing lives. It’s about offering hope, and Jesus setting captives free. It’s about love, generosity and selflessness. It’s about healing, forgiveness and restoration. It’s about obedience and having a front row seat to miracles. 

Raising money is also about the practical. It’s about a new roof that needs to be replaced within the next few months before rainy season comes. It’s about creating a home where guests can come and serve alongside. It’s about a community center opening its doors to the people around it and spreading His hope and love. It’s about creating jobs, empowering families and taking care of those who serve them.

But the honest truth is that money is needed for all of this to happen.

So today, I am inviting you to join me on the front row! I’m providing you an opportunity to take a step forward, out of obedience, to sow seeds and plough the fields as a partner in this thing we call The Great Commission. I cherish your prayers and encouragement, but something even more incredible is that God delights in your generous gifts. He delights because we are opening ourselves up to trust in the God of the impossible. He delights because we are obedient—in the big and the small. He delights because we sacrifice and think about someone besides ourselves. He delights because we use our time, gifts and talents—things that are from Him, by Him and because of Him—to invest in the Kingdom of God.

I can’t say it enough: this God-size dream isn’t about me or Red Meets Green. It’s about a beautiful picture of the Body of Christ, being stitched together, to bring His hope and healing to an obscure country on the other side of the world. It's about a group of people giving sacrificially for people they’ll never shake hands with or chat with over a cup of coffee. It’s about being a part of something bigger than ourselves—oh, the privilege! 

The question is, will you join me?

To make a donation to Red Meets Green's ministry in Liberia, visit our website and click the 'Donate Now' button.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ashley, I know it is hard to write about money, but it is necessary, so don't apologize! Jesus spoke about it. I wish I could give more and someday???maybe soon??? I will get to go with you back to Liberia. I still have pictures of the kids Leighanne connected with while she was there. I hope to meet them someday!
Remember, if God has put this in your heart he will provide! God Bless you for following your call. -Carrie