Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Just a Suggestion

If you want to walk beside and experience life with someone who:
1. truly knows what it means to be the hands and feet of Christ
2. loves the least of these
3. has highs and lows--but mostly highs
4. spends her days laughing with God's beautiful, perfect creations
5. is a total stranger and total example to me
6. embodies Christ
7. loves with all she has
8. gives until it hurts
9. prays with conviction, no matter how impossible things may seem
10. is a beautiful daughter of the King, and
11. will be quite humble about it all, I would venture to guess

...then I invite you to step into Uganda and say hello to Katie.

I came across her blog yesterday (thanks Brandi), and have spent the last 2 nights reading from start to finish. This girl rocks! Her stories make me excited to return to Liberia in September to love with all I have and give until it hurts!

And, it wouldn't be a bad idea to pray for Katie! Better yet, give to Katie--give up a Starbucks or two....or maybe you don't really need another pair of shoes....or your child doesn't need that toy.

$5 is all it takes to change a child's life!
Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17


Brandi said...

Yeah, Ashley!! Thanks for posting on her. . I love her already! Hey, it makes ME excited for you to go back in Sept and write more from Liberia! I live vicariously through both of you!

Thanks for serving and for having a passion for God's little ones even when you are here!


Anonymous said...

thank you! i am very flattered :)

thank you for your passion!