Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today's Easter. Easter in Liberia. Without my family, my home church and my mom's home cooking.

Why is it that we tend to forget the meaning of Easter? I know I do. Last Easter, I went to church, had lunch with my family and then boarded a plane to head to Liberia to serve with Orphan Relief and Rescue. How time flies! To look back on all that God has done, and all that He has shown me this past year! God is so stinkin' good!

It's been a really great day! Although I miss my family today, I've had a great day with my Liberia family. We made a huge meal...chicken, roasted potatoes, stuffing, rolls, deviled eggs, fudge cake with ice cream! We stuffed ourselves and played Catchphrase. We even got easter baskets--a piece of paper folded into a rectangle, containing a candy bar, really old jelly beans, starburst, cookies and a ripe plum! I momentarily left Liberia today...and I feel refreshed.

But as I stood by the pool, overlooking the Atlantic and watching the sun set, I couldn't help but think HE'S ALIVE! He's alive! And, I'm alive because He's alive! Even though we tend to forget what Easter is all about, I hope that you've found that moment today to reflect...and to realize that HE'S ALIVE!

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