Thursday, September 30, 2010

Prayer for Deb & Elena

These are two of my most favorite people in the world. That's us, above, two weeks ago in Seattle. Deb is on the left, and Elena's on my right. Deb and Elena are my friends, encouragers, prayer warriors, roommates, coworkers, sources of laughter, partners in crime, beach bum buddies, rummy on the porch opponents and the two people that keep me (somewhat) sane when I'm in Liberia! After a short time at home to rest, fundraise and to visit with family and friends, they left this morning to head back to Liberia.

You can be praying for them--for safe travels, for flight connections, baggage arriving, adjusting back to life in Liberia (heat, rain, no a/c or running water, daily stresses, etc.), and for carrying the workload on their own while the rest of us remain at home for more rest and recuperation. I know their return will be full of joy and frustrations, wonderful reunions and hesitation...but they can really use all of our prayers. Join me in praying for two of the best prayer warriors I know! I'm looking forward to hearing from them once they get in Liberia and get settled, and I know that God has something great in store for them during this new season! Love you girls!

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