Friday, February 15, 2008

For the record....

Best Valentine's Day ever! (And no significant others were involved!)

I spent the day sharing with 200 middle schoolers about Liberia's orphans, and then I came home to a mailbox full of goodies! I got a box of 117 pairs of undies for Undies4Liberia, along with $65 to buy more undies from Patty in Chicago!! I was so blown away that I stood starring at a couch full of undies in disbelief, then I giggled and then I almost just had to cry! I also got my first support check in the mail, along with a $20 giftcard for undies...thanks Tyler! AND, I got a letter from AB, the best driver in all of Liberia!

Liberia felt alittle closer today!

Needless to say, it was an overwhelming day full of from 7th graders, love from total strangers, love from friends near and much love, all because of my love for Liberia's orphans! It was a great reminder to me of God's unconditional love for each of us!

So, Happy Valentine's Day! Hopefully you all felt just alittle more love in your lives.

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