Hey everyboy! Here's a few prayer requests that are coming to my mind tonight:
- Pray that my visa will get back to me in time!
- I'm flying standby from Atlanta to Brussels. Pray that I get a seat on that flight!
- I got my first official offer on my condo today. I had to make a counter offer, so pray that the potential buyers will accept!
- Pray that I'm able to get everything taken care of these next 11 days!
- Also, pray that I'll have a wonderful time with my family and friends before I leave!
- Pray for my parents....I think they're starting to stress alittle.
- Pray for my soon-to-be coworkers, roommates, sweat and beach buddies. They've been pretty busy lately (which is a good thing), but pray that they're able to get some rest.
- Pray for Liberia: continued peace, the government, the people, job opportunities, education opportunities, that they would see the hope of Jesus....and for the children and orphans!
- Pray because I'm going to the dentist in the morning...and I haven't been in over 2 years!
I haven't done this yet, so I'll introduce you all to the 4 people that I will experience Liberia with for the next few months.....and then some, hopefully. I know much laughter, work, tears, sweat and downright ridiculousness is in store!

ORR "Board" Meeting
(L to R) Mariel, Matt, Andrew & Matt
Will totally be praying! Hang in there, soon you will be flying for 2 days, dirty, and tired! :) Your new roomies are surfers!?! Are you gonna learn?
... and how are you taking all of this in...? is it reality yet?
congrats on the bite on the condo!
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