Friday, September 18, 2009

Chocolate Cake with Jesus

[I said I would share some things that God told me while I was in's the first installment.]

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day of Silence and Solitude.
"Chocolate Cake with Jesus"
[I was sitting in the dining room at the monastery, eating a piece of chocolate cake, when it began to rain. Here is what God told me.]

"Here is My healing rain. Water to quench the thirst of My people. Water to feed My garden. May you soak up My rain to grow your faith in Me. Drink. Thirst no more. Each of you are a drop of rain. You are created by Me. You fall on your own. But you are collected together to make the ocean. I am Ruler of the sea. Hear the roar of the waves? That is My power. See the never-ending water? That is My love. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face? That is My grace. Soak up My grace. You will never see the end of My love. My power--the waves--are constant. They will always be there. Moving. Working. Crashing effortlessly in your life. Feel the breeze coming off the water? That is My breath. Breathe it in. Close your eyes and breathe My breath in deeply. Feel the sand between your toes? That is the Body. Warmed by My grace. ready to be compressed together, with the help of My water (life) to hold you all together. If you all come together and follow after My heart, you will be like a sandcastle to the world. People will be drawn to you--with amazement and wonder--they will wonder, how do you stand so firm? You stand firm because you are soaked in My water, the Living Water, and you are willing to be joined together. I know, things, people, the enemy and even the waves can knock you down. But, I know where each of you goes when you fall away. When you're ready, you will become part of another castle; a fortress of My people who are consumed with following My heart."


Ami Carr said...

Hey Ashley,
I have tried contacting you several times. My husband and I would like to speak with you more about your work in Liberis. We are also hosting an orphan care symposium at our church in November, the 14 the to be exact. Can you please email me and let me know if you are getting my messages?
Thanks and God Bless
Ami Carr

Zesty Zombie said...

Wow. God is just amazing and His words are so beautiful.

-Hanna Mae